5 March 2025
Rayburn CollegeRayburn CollegeRayburn College Since 2003

WDC Committee

To create a dignified and inclusive environment for all genders in and around the ambit of Rayburn College and to promote equitable opportunities for the empowerment of women to attain their full potential and contribute towards the enrichment of organizational and social life, the Women Development Cell was constituted in the year 2020 as a mandatory body under section 3.2 (15) of the UGC guidelines of 2015. The Cell is responsible for facilitating awareness of gender sensitization, advocating women’s rights and contributing to the development of a congenial environment for all women employees and students (rural, urban, specially-abled, underprivileged, marginalized etc.) and looking after their well-being.


Dr. Dorothy Lalneizo, Asst. Professor, Sociology Dept.

Dr. Hnunlalliani, Asst. Professor, Zoology Dept.
Dr. Niangpi Guite, Asst. Professor, Geography Dept.
L. Lhingzalam Haokip, Asst. Professor, Commerce Dept.
Cyndi Lalhmingmawi, Asst. Professor, Sociology Dept.
Mercy Chingnunhoih, Asst. Professor, Psychology Dept.
Lalngaihawmi, Asst. Professor, Psychology Dept.

To address the specific issues of gender discrimination, sexual harassment, well-being and safety of female students and female employees within the ambit of the college premises, two sub-committees namely the Internal Complaints Committee and the Sexual Harassment Committee, are formed and authorized according to the provisions of the POSH ACT-Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace Act of 2013, 9th December 2013 and the UGC (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal of Sexual Harassment of Women Employees and Students in Higher Educational Institutions) Regulations, 2015.

Objectives of the Internal Complaints and Sexual Harassment Committee:

  1. To create social awareness about women issues and gender discrimination through seminars, workshops and other educational activities;
  2. To conduct and educate the college community through periodical awareness programmes on gender sensitization and gender parity;
  3. To provide clear guidelines for the redressal of grievances related to sexual harassment and to intervene and undertake immediate and stringent action against any form of harassment cases within the college premises;
  4. To provide appropriate and adequate safety measures and provide suitable working conditions with respect to work, leisure, health and hygiene;
  5. To prevent gender discrimination and sexual harassment amongst the student community and staff within and outside the college premises;
  6. To promote the general well-being of all female employees and students;
  7. To prevent glass ceiling workspace for women employees and hostile environment towards women at workstations with regards to her gender;
  8. To collaborate with local, national and international NGO’s working on women issues and development.

Internal Harassment Committee Composition:

Presiding Officer:
Dr. Niangpi Guite, Asst. Professor, Geography

Evan. N. Thangkhansiam, Counsellor & Chaplain
Dr. Chinglianmawi, Asst. Professor, Geography
Niangthianmawi, Asst. Professor, Political Science
K. Thangliankhup, Asst. Professor, Botany

External Members:
Chiinsuanching Tombing, Headmistress, Little Gems Academy
Rebecca Dimneichong, Psychologist, District Hospital

Sexual Harassment Committee Composition:

Presiding Officer:
Dr. Hnunlalliani, Asst. Professor, Zoology Dept.

Niangsialching, Asst. Professor, Zoology Dept.

Thanghmingliani, Asst. Professor, Zoology Dept.
Bliss Chinglianniang, Asst. Professor, Psychology Dept.
Nancy Mangngaihlun, Asst. Professor, Botany Dept.
Zenhoihmuan, Asst. Professor, Chemistry Dept.

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