7 March 2025
Rayburn CollegeRayburn CollegeRayburn College Since 2003
October 5, 2022

Talks on "Careers in the Foreign Service"

Rayburn College's Internal Quality
Assurance Cell (IQAC) organized a talk, "CAREERS IN THE FOREIGN
SERVICE," for B. A. 5th Semester (Political Science) students at the
Conference Hall on October 4, 2022. The program lasted approximately three hours.

Ms. Niangthianmawi, Assistant
Professor in the Department of Political Science, hosted the talk. Rev Dr. Khen
P. Tombing, Principal of the College, opened the conversation with a warm
welcome speech. Dinesh Kumar Jain, B.Sc., BE. Mech. was the event's Guest of
Honor. The Guest of Honour joined IFS in 1975 and has served in Kathmandu,
Vienna (including the UN), Thimphu, New York (as PMI to the UN and as a member
of the SC), Brunei, Tanzania, and Mexico (also Guatemala & Belize). He was
on a four-year assignment to M/Commerce, and he left the service in 2012. He is
also involved in coaching Civil Services candidates and think tanks.

The Guest of Honour took the dais
and inspired all the young minds with a detailed discussion on the numerous
opportunities and career paths available in the Foreign Service. He also
emphasized that career decisions are among the most important in one's life and
should not be made under the influence of one's parents or peers. He also
encouraged the students to never give up on their dreams.

Overall, the discussion helped students better
understand the opportunities available through the Foreign Service.

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