6 March 2025
Rayburn CollegeRayburn CollegeRayburn College Since 2003

Grievance Redressal Committee

To uphold the dignity of the college by ensuring a strife free atmosphere in the college through the promotion of cordial student-student, and student-teacher/staff relationship, and to provide responsive, accountable and easily accessible machinery for settlement of grievances and maintain a harmonious educational atmosphere, the Grievance Redressal Committee of the college was formed in the year 2020 as per the UGC regulations (2019) as a centralized confidential committee. The Committee encourages the students to express their grievances and problems freely and frankly without any fear of being victimized, and advises the students to respect the right and dignity of one another and show utmost restraint and patience whenever any occasion of rift arises.


  1. To accept written grievances from students and institute internal inquiries to judge its merit;
  2. To create a conducive learning atmosphere and implement an efficient mechanism to handle the reports;
  3. To forward the findings/resolutions to the Board of Management or concerned authority for further action, as and when necessary;
  4. To represent the valid grievances pertaining to the concerned section and redress the same;
  5. To evaluate and validate the authenticity of the reported grievances with strict integrity, not undermining the gravity involved;
  6. To conduct and convene meetings within the Committee to address the impending issues, and initiate follow-up till the final disposal.


Evan N. Thangkhansiam, Counsellor & Chaplain

T. Tawnkhansiam, Dean of Students’ Welfare
Lt. Liankhansuan Hauzel, ANO-NCC
Kimzalun, Asst. Professor, Commerce Dept.
Dr. Hnunlalliani, Asst. Professor, Zoology Dept.

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