5 March 2025
Rayburn CollegeRayburn CollegeRayburn College Since 2003

Disciplinary Committee

Following the provisions of UGC regulations on curbing the menace and indiscipline behavior in the campus, the Disciplinary Committee of the college was formed as a mandatory body in the year 2020. The Committee primarily addresses the issues of ill-incidents taking place in the campus, and monitors the performance of healthy campus environment, thereby playing a vital role in maintenance of discipline in the college. The Committee has been actively involved in taking cognizance of indiscipline and unruly behavior of students within the Rayburn community, and takes cognizance of any complaints or allegations received.


  1. To create awareness against any ill incidents taking place within the college campus and to prevent it;
  2. To ensure compliance to the provisions laid down by the UGC Regulations on curbing the menace of indiscipline behavior within the campus jurisdiction;
  3. To regulate the behavior of the students by developing a well-planned machinery to take cognizance of indiscipline and unruly menace;
  4. To consider disciplinary cases objectively and impartially, and suggest appropriate penalties to the management, in the acts of misdemeanor in the campus.


T. Tawnkhansiam, Dean of Students’ Welfare

Evan N. Thangkhansiam, Counsellor & Chaplain
Lt. Liankhansuan, ANO-NCC
Velthangkhum, Asst. Professor, History Dept.
Kimzalun, Asst. Professor, Commerce Dept.
Lalngaihawmi, Asst. Professor, Psychology Dept.

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