4 March 2025
Rayburn CollegeRayburn CollegeRayburn College Since 2003

Code of Conduct


Dress Code

  1. Students shall wear their college ID card within the campus, and must produce it on demand by campus security guards or any concerned staff member at any time;
  2. Students shall carry their identity cards whenever they represent the college for any function outside, or whenever they conduct any activities outside the campus;
  3. Students must wear formal dresses, such as trousers and long/short sleeve shirts, as may be appropriate. Shorts, skirts, sandals and slippers are strictly forbidden;
  4. Student must refrain from exhibiting distasteful appearances such as punky hair-cuts, and must not flaunt earrings, tattoos, etc. Permission to wear certain symbolic attires for religious, cultural and/or health reasons should be obtained from the Principal;
  5. Students must intimate loss of identity cards to the System Administrator immediately. Replacement of a lost identity card shall incur a small charge.

Attendance & Leave

  1. Students shall be eligible to appear for college examinations only if they acquire a minimum of 75% attendance in aggregate of all subjects;
  2. Students shall be promoted to the next semester only if they satisfy the attendance requirement of the present semester as applicable;
  3. Students shall pay a stipulated fee towards condonation of shortage of attendance;
  4. Students absent for 5 consecutive days, without application or prior notice to the concerned authority, shall meet the Dean of Student’s Welfare with their parents/guardians;
  5. Students absent for one month without prior sanction shall have their names removed from the college registers, and their registration shall stand cancelled;
  6. Students shall not leave the campus during academic hours, without a written permission from the concerned authority.

Bad Behavior

  1. Students are to behave and conduct themselves in the college in a dignified and courteous manner;
  2. Students are to maintain the etiquette required of campus life and avoid the use of any vulgar and profane language;
  3. Students must refrain from any disruptive activity in an event sponsored by the college;
  4. Students are strictly prohibited from engaging in any act of discrimination (physical or verbal conduct) based on an individual’s gender, caste, race, religion or religious beliefs, color, language, disability, sexual orientation, marital or family status, physical or mental disability, gender identity, etc.;
  5. Students are to refrain from engaging in disorderly, lewd, or indecent conduct, including, but not limited to, creating unreasonable noise, pushing and shoving, inciting or participating in a riot or group disruption;
  6. Students are to exercise utmost caution and respect for another, avoiding any political, religious, financial, racial, gender or judicial biases, especially with regard to posting and spreading of information on social media platforms. Any unwholesome online activity of the students will be strictly monitored.

Prohibited Activities

  1. No student shall indulge in anti-national, anti-social, communal and political activities in the campus;
  2. No student shall plan and organize meetings and processions without permission from the concerned authority;
  3. No student shall exhibit banners, flags, flex boards etc. inside the campus without permission from the Principal;
  4. No student shall solicit funds from other students or staff in the campus without the permission of the Principal;
  5. No student shall enter into any contract in the name of the college except with prior written authorization from college officials vested with the authority;
  6. No student shall circulate notices, pamphlets, leaflets etc. in the campus unless they are published by the offices of the college;
  7. No student shall be in possession or shall consume harmful chemicals, banned drugs, tobacco or alcohol in the college campus. Serious punitive action shall be taken against those who consume them, including expulsion;
  8. No student shall be involved in rash driving, inside the campus or outside. Internal inquiries and punitive action may be taken on anyone involved in rash driving that endangers and cause harm and injury to others;
  9. No student shall be involved in theft or unauthorized access to others’ resources;
  10. No student shall interact with media representatives or invite media persons to the campus without the permission of competent authorities;
  11. No student shall be involved in theft, damage, or abuse of the college’s computers and other electronic resources, such as services which includes unauthorized entry, use, tamper, etc. of college property or facilities, offices, classrooms, computers networks, and other restricted facilities. Students are strictly prohibited from intentionally damaging or destroying college property or property of other students and/or faculty members.

Breach of Code of Conduct

Whenever a case against a student for a possible breach of code of conduct arise, the concerned Committee shall meet the student to ascertain the nature of the misconduct and the charges, and may suggest one or more of the following disciplinary actions based on the nature of misconduct:

  1. Warning: To indicate that the action of the said delinquent student was in violation of the code of conduct and shall result in severe disciplinary action;
  2. Restrictions: Reprimand and restrict access to various facilities on the campus for a specified period of time;
  3. Expulsion: Expulsion of a student from the college permanently;
  4. Fine/Penalty: This includes the imposition of a fine and may also include the forfeiture of scholarship/fellowship for a specific time period;
  5. Suspension: Suspension for a specified period of time which will entail prohibition on participating in student related activities, classes, programs etc.

Classroom Discipline

  1. Students are expected to be in the class 5 minutes before the commencement of their class;
  2. Students are strictly prohibited from the use of cell phones inside the class rooms for any purpose whatsoever, unless permitted by the concerned teacher for educational purposes;
  3. Students are also prohibited from the use of laptops in the classrooms, unless permitted by the concerned teacher for educational purposes;
  4. Students are expected to maintain basic academic decorum such as discipline, silence, courtesy amongst themselves;
  5. Students are prohibited from entering or leaving the class during the session without the consent of the concerned teacher;
  6. Students are expected to maintain cleanliness in the classroom and the college premises;
  7. Students are strictly prohibited from engaging in audio or video record of the lectures in classrooms or the actions of other students, faculty, or staff. Any complaints regarding the misuse of any image or video of others by any student shall be dealt with as per the laws of the land, and may involve stringent actions even beyond expulsion;
  8. Students must refrain from any disruptive activity inside the classroom.

Examination Discipline & General Instructions

  1. The door of the examination Hall will be opened in the morning of the first day one hour and in the afternoon and on the other days fifteen minutes before the commencement of the examination. The doors will be closed on each day five minutes before the commencement of the examination after which no candidate will be admitted without the special permission of the Officer-in-charge. No candidate will be admitted after thirty minutes from the commencement of the examination;
  2. No candidate will be permitted to leave the Examination Hall before one hour from the commencement of the examination;
  3. Candidates are required to bring their own pens, pencils, ink and any other instruments permitted by examination rules. The college will supply answer-books, additional sheets and graph paper;
  4. Candidates should produce their admit cards and registration cards at the time of signing their names in the attendance sheet before the invigilators on duty;
  5. Candidates are forbidden to carry into the Examination Hall or to keep in their possession any book, note, mobile, etc., except their Admit Cards and Registration Cards;
  6. Candidates are warned that any attempt to use unfair means at the examination or any breach of the examination rules will render them liable to expulsion or to any such other penalty as the college may deem fit. Books, notes and all study material should be kept away as instructed by Supervisors;
  7. Notwithstanding the issue of the Admit Card, the college shall have the right for any reason which may appear to them sufficient to cancel the admission of any candidate to an examination;
  8. For any emergency case not covered by any one of the above instruction a reference may be made to the officer in-charge for redressal and approval by the college.

Academic Honesty

Rayburn College seeks to maintain the highest standards of academic integrity amongst its learning community and expressly prohibits the following activities as below. Violations of the academic honesty policy can result in strict disciplinary action and/or expulsion from the college.


The improper taking or tendering of any information or material which shall be used to determine academic credit. Examples include but are not limited to the following:

  1. Copying from another student’s test or homework paper;
  2. Allowing another student to copy from a test or homework assignment;
  3. Using unauthorized materials during a test, such as the course textbook, notebook, formula lists, notes or crib sheets etc.;
  4. Having another individual write or plan a paper, including those bought from research paper services;
  5. Submitting the same paper/project in more than one class.


The attempt to represent the work of another, as it may relate to written or oral works, computer-based work, mode of creative expression (i.e., music, media or the visual arts), as the product of one’s own thought, whether the other’s work is published or unpublished, or simply the work of a fellow student.

  1. Submitting a paper purchased from a term paper service as one’s own work;
  2. Failing to accurately document information or wording obtained on the World Wide Web;
  3. Submitting anyone else’s paper (whether in part or in full) as one’s own work.


The offering, giving, receiving, or soliciting of any materials, items, or services of value to gain academic advantage for yourself or another.


The use of invented or fabricated information, the falsification of research or other findings with the intent to deceive for academic professional advantage, the falsification or misrepresentation of experimental data, and violating the professional ethics that are established in clinical activities, science labs, research projects or internships. Examples include:

  1. Citing information not taken from the source indicated;
  2. Listing sources in a Works Cited or reference not used in the academic exercise;
  3. Inventing data or source information for research or other academic exercise;
  4. Submitting any academic exercise as one’s own (e.g., written or oral work, sculpture, computer program, etc.) prepared totally or in part by another, including on-line sources;
  5. Taking a test for someone else or permitting someone else to take a test for you.

Academic Misconduct

The intentional violation of college policies by tampering with grades or taking part in obtaining or distributing any part of a test, quiz, or graded assignment. Examples include:

  1. Stealing, buying, downloading, or otherwise obtaining all or part of a test and/or test answers;
  2. Asking or bribing any other person to obtain a test or any information about a test;
  3. Misrepresenting the truth, including handing in computer programs or using assignments generated by another as one’s own work; lying to an instructor to increase a grade; and lying or misrepresenting facts when confronted with an allegation of academic dishonesty;
  4. Changing, altering, or being an accessory to changing and/or altering of a grade in a grade book, on a computer, on a test, or on other official academic records of the college which relate to grades.

Disruptive Behavior

Each student’s and faculty’s behavior in the classroom is expected to contribute to a positive learning/teaching environment, respecting the rights of others and their opportunity to learn. No student has the right to disrupt the teaching/learning process, including the posting of inappropriate materials on chatroom or course sites. The instructor has the authority to ask a disruptive student to leave the classroom, lab or web course and to file disciplinary charges if disruptive behavior continues.

Any disruptive behavior or academic malpractice can be punished using one of more of the following:

  1. Getting a zero score on the assignment/assignments
  2. Getting a zero score in the coursework
  3. Suspension from the attending classes
  4. Withholding results
  5. Expulsion from the college
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