4 March 2025
Rayburn CollegeRayburn CollegeRayburn College Since 2003

Anti-Ragging Committee

To look into the affairs of the well-being of the students on campus as per the UGC guidelines under Section 26 (1) (g) of the UGC Act, 1956, the Anti-Ragging Committee of the college was formed in the year 2020. Following the UGC regulations on curbing the menace of ragging in Higher Education Institutions (2009), the Committee has worked tirelessly to prohibit, prevent and eliminate the scourge of ragging in all forms. The college strictly desists from any kind of ragging within the college premises and community, and has introduced an efficient monitoring mechanism and regulatory measures to tackle any offences seriously.


  1. To ensure compliance with the provisions of the regulations as well as the provisions of any law concerning ragging;
  2. To monitor and oversee the performance of the anti-ragging activities within the college premises;
  3. To curb the menace of ragging through surprise checks, raids of places vulnerable to incidents of, and having potential of, ragging;
  4. To keep a continuous vigil and watch over any ragging activity so as to prevent its occurrence and recurrence;
  5. To sensitize the students of the dehumanizing effect of ragging inherent in its perversity through awareness programs, counseling sessions or stringent penalties, if deemed necessary.

Penalties for Abetment in Ragging includes:

  1. Cancellation of admission to college;
  2. Suspension/rustication from classes;
  3. Withholding of scholarships or other financial benefits;
  4. Debarring from appearance in examinations;
  5. Withholding of certificates/degrees;
  6. Non-representation from the college in any programmes;
  7. Expulsion under severe cases and consequent debarring of entry into other colleges;
  8. Fine up to Rs. 10,000/-


Rev. Dr. Khen P Tombing, Principal

Dr. Kh. Thianminlian Vaiphei, Vice-Principal

Velthangkhum Hauzel, Asst. Professor, History Dept.
Japhet Misao, Asst. Professor, Botany Dept.
Liankhansuan Hauzel, ANO-NCC

Student Representatives:
Pauthianmuang, M.Com., 3rd Semester
Chingsiam, B.A. 2nd Semester

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