4 March 2025
Rayburn CollegeRayburn CollegeRayburn College Since 2003

Department of Political Science

About the Department

The Department of Political Science was established in the year 2003, during the inception of the College, and offers an undergraduate program in Political Science NEP (4 years), followed by a postgraduate program (2 years) in 2021. The vision of the department is to generate new knowledge and produce students who are fully trained in the subject. The department seeks to develop skills, such as critical thinking, analytical reasoning, and written and oral communication, necessary to engage effectively in the study and practice of politics in order to become fully realized thinkers, professionals, and community members. It also aims to develop the ability to make connections between theory and practice, between global and local events, and across academic disciplines.


  • To inculcate civic values, political culture and subject knowledge among the students.
  • To ignite the young mind for achievement of a true and perfect democratic society, where fraternity, secularism and justice will be the guiding force.
  • To help the students cultivate critical thinking and build rigorous and persuasive arguments.
  • To produce ethically conscious young mind that would help them to be creative and build constructive approaches to the challenges faced by them either individually or socially.

Program Educational Objectives (PEOS)

The graduates will:

  • PEO1: Be acquainted with the basic normative and contemporary concepts and ideas of Political Theory; assess the contribution of key ancient and modern Indian and Western political thinkers and their relevance to contemporary times.
  • PEO2: Be familiarized with the legal and philosophical framework of the political system in India, and simultaneously study in detail the political structure both Constitutional and Administrative including Public and Local Administration.
  • PEO3: Be exposed to a comprehensive introduction to the most important multilateral political organization in International Relations along with the various Issues in World Politics viz, terrorism, human rights, and environmental issues etc.
  • PEO4: Learn how to study the major political systems of the world by adopting a comparative approach.
  • PEO5: Acquire a comprehensive analysis of the traditional and social organisations of the Hill people of Northeast India. It also highlights the administrative provisions made for the Hill people during the British rule.

Program Outcomes (POs)

At the end of the B.A (Political Science) programme, graduates will be able:

  • PO1: To strengthen the understanding and appreciation of the rights and privileges granted by the Indian Constitution, and become aware of the political processes and the actual functioning of the political system.
  • PO2: To acquaint with the dynamics of Indian Administration.
  • PO3: To prepare for civil service and competitive examinations.
  • PO4: To identify issues such as caste, communalism and regionalism and critically assesses their impact on the political processes.
  • PO5: To determine the differences and similarities between the various constitutional arrangements both in Western-European countries, as well as functioning of Asia-African and Latin American countries.
  • PO6: To understand the reorganisation of the Hills areas under the Indian constitution after Independence and the contemporary issues and challenges in Northeast viz, ethnicity, separatist movement, and underdevelopment etc.

Program Specific Outcomes (PSOs)

  • PSO1: Develop a broader and deeper understanding of politics and political science.
  • PSO2: Acquire the skills necessary to think critically and communicate effectively about politics.
  • PSO3: Cultivate a commitment to engaged citizenship and a just society.

Plan And Policy Of Political Science Department For Each Semester

1.Departmental meetingDepartmental meeting twice in each semester
2.AssessmentClass test, unit test, home assignment, discussion, quiz etc. to assess the students
3.Subject allocationIt’s the responsibility of the HoD to allot subject teacher
4.Workshop/Seminar/career guidanceTwice in a semester or as per the college academic calendar.
5.FeedbackFeedback from students/ parents/alumni.
6.LibraryArrangement be made that students benefits the most from library.
7.Other activitiesField visit/case studies/role play be arrange to benefit the students.
8.EventsDebate, extempore speech be conducted to improve personality, participation in NSS, Organized inter-college fest
9.AttendanceStrict attendance is maintained to attain university requirements.
10.MotivationMotivation on related career prospect
11.SyllabusManipur University syllabus is adhere to.
12.PerformanceContinuous performance evaluation to be carried on.
13.ResearchResearch methodology to under graduate and post graduate
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