The aims and objectives of the Photography Club in Rayburn College is to provide a supportive environment for interested photography students to share their creativity, knowledge and passion for photography. The club will hold regular meetings and discussions and organize events such as; photo-walks, field trips, and lectures and workshops by visiting artists. Members will also explore the possible opportunities for photography projects in collaboration with other campus departments, organize peer to peer portfolio reviews and explore the possibilities of exhibitions on and off campus.

Aims and objectives:

  1. Coverage of various events within the college & participation in external competitions.
  2. Create a repository of exclusive pictures shot by the members for Educational & Research purpose.
  3. Arrange outdoor sessions so students can directly implement a few skills or tips given.
  4. The club takes part in multimedia promotions of the Cultural Fest and Technical Fest every year.
  5. Photographs of maximum events in our college are captured and shared by the club.
  6. Conduct frequent inter/intra college photography contests.
  7. Make maximum members participate in photography contests conducted by other colleges.
  8. Share details of photography related newsletters, magazines, contests with the club members.


    • Club introduction session
    • Sessions on-
      • Club Introduction
      • Photography Concepts (Light, Composition, Exposure Triangle, etc)
      • Mobile Photography
      • Light Photography
      • Photo post processing (Snapseed, Lightroom)
      • Using DSLR, types of Lenses
      • Photography themes(abstract, food, nature, people, etc)

Core Team Members:

On January 1, 2022, the Principal of Rayburn College has appointed the following staffs as members of the “Photography Club” for 2022 until further notice. They are:-

1.James ThangsuanlianConvenor
2.Gin Sian Muang TombingMember
3.T. TawnkhansiamMember
4.Paukhankhual TonsingMember
5.Emmanuel Lalneimawi HmarMember
6.Immanuel MalsawmlienMember
7.Dr. Langthianmung VualzongMember
8.Deborah KulpulsangMember

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