7 March 2025
Rayburn CollegeRayburn CollegeRayburn College Since 2003
November 23, 2022

Awareness on "Systematic Voters' Educational & Electoral Participation (SVEEP)

Under “Systematic Voters' Educational & Electoral Participation (SVEEP)”, a one day Voter Awareness Programme and Enrollment Drive in connection with Special Summary Revision 2023 was organised by Election Office, Churachandpur in collaboration with Electoral Literacy Club, Rayburn College.

Pu Seikholien Khongsai, Election Officer, Pu H.Doungel Nodal Officer SVEEP & Pu Dingluaia Varte Assistant Election Supervisor briefed the students about the importance of voting,voter enrollment, how to get enrolled and how to make necessary corrections in the Electoral roll.

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