Staff Orientation Programme | 1st, September 2022

Rayburn College organised Staff Orientation Programme today:


Principal giving welcome speech

Lamka, September 01, 2022: At the onset of the new academic session (2022-2023), a premier institution in Manipur, in general and Lamka (Churachandpur) in particular, Rayburn College, Gangpimual, Lamka, Churachandpur organised a Staff Orientation Programme at 01:00PM today, at its faculty lounge. This maiden meeting for the new academic session (2022-2023) was convened by the Principal, Rev. Dr. Khen P. Tombing, and attended by a total of 68 staffs (teaching and non-teaching).

In this august occasion, the Principal reiterated that Rayburn College is the first college in the region (state) which started its new academic session by adopting the New Education Policy (NEP) 2020, which is one of the remarkable achievements for the Rayburn family. He also laid out some of the roadmaps and policies which the College is planning to undertake and experiment in the new academic session. To this, he made a statement to the members who were present in the meeting that the College is trying to spread its wings in the field of innovative projects which will be highly beneficial for everyone, especially the students’ community in the district. He also thanked all the staffs who are giving their best version of hard work and dedication for the betterment and upliftment of the College.

Sir Dr. Kh. Thianminlian Vaiphei, the Vice-Principal of the College highlighted the norms of the College, the involvement as well as the services which every teachers/tutors/service staffs of the College ought to provide and render for the sake of the College. Sir Dr. Siamkhanthang Neihsial, Coordinator of IQAC took his time and highlighted all the progresses which have been made with special focus to the IQAC in the College. And Miss L. Lhingzalam Haokip, Dean of Academic, took her time and made some important announcements with special focus on the academic area, followed by Sir T. Tawnkhansiam, Dean of Discipline who urged that the teachers/tutors must join hands in order to maintain discipline (of students) in the campus. Lastly, Sir S. Muansangluai Ngaihte, Librarian of the college requested all the staffs to make the best use of the library and to encourage students to access the College library more extensively.

The Orientation Programme was dismissed at 3:00 PM, by the Principal Rev. Dr. Khen P. Tombing, with a word of prayer.

Self-Introduction of new faculty members
Self-Introduction of new faculty members
Self-Introduction of new faculty members
Principal giving speech
Sir T. Tawnkhansiam, Dean of students
Sir S. Muansangluai Ngaihte, Librarian