4 March 2025
Rayburn CollegeRayburn CollegeRayburn College Since 2003

Karunakaran Library

Rayburn College library is as old as the college itself. Established in the year 2003, and moved to the current location i.e., Eastern Block, Ground Floor, Main College building on November 2020, the Library has a unique history of its own. Starting as a small room with few collections, it has grown to be a semi-automated library with extensive reading and stacking facilities, with the space to host academic events and activities. The Library plays a vital role in the preservation and conservation of rare documents and local resources in different subject areas, and serves as a hub for accessing specialized documents. The present library collection is approximately 10,761 books inclusive of reference books, and the total number of print journals and magazines subscribed is approximately 48 in number so far. The Library also possess a collection of year books published by Ministry of Information and Broadcasting annually in the past 10 years. It also has a separate textbook section containing copies of textbooks for different courses offered by the college, and seeks to cater to the growing demand from Library users for these books. 

The Library has been functioning with a semi-automated process. Automation has been operated using the Integrated Library Management Software (ILMS) SOUL 2.0 (Full edition) since 2019 which was upgraded with SOUL 3.0 in the year 2021 (full edition), as designed and developed by INFLIBNET (Information and Library network) Centre. With regard to the classification of books, the library follows the DDC 23rd latest Edition. 


The Library opens on all working days of the college as follows:

Opening Hours: 6:30 am to 6:00 pm
Business Hours: 9:30 am to 3:30 pm


  • Prioritizing users in every service we do
  • Embrace equal service for all
  • Act with fairness and honesty
  • Innovative and adapt to the changing world
  • Providing quality resources


  • Trusted online and off-line learning resources
  • Wi-Fi/broadband facilities for study and research purpose
  • Automated library system using SOUL 3.0 ILMS software
  • More than 10k collections of books or documents, inclusive of academic, competitive, and general knowledge relevance
  • Subscribed to more than 40 academic and competitive associated journals and magazines
  • Subscribed to online database through N-LIST consortium
  • 96 seats cubical study cabin and study hall of 54 seating capacity
  • Drinking water facilities for all library users/patrons
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