1. B.Sc (Honours) 2007 Sankardev College, NEHU I Division
2. M.Sc 2009 NEHU, Shillong I Division
3. Ph. D. 2017
5. NET 2017 CSIR-UGC1
Assistant Professor 01.08.2020 Till date
1. National Seminar on Science for shaping the future of India organised by Indian National Science Congress (ISCA) Shillong Chapter 2012
2. Technological Empowerment of Women through the SORF Scheme of DST organised by National Academy of Sciences (NASI) India at NEHU 2014
1. Hnunlalliani Hangzo, Bodhisattwa Banerjee, Shrabani Saha, Nirmalendu Saha. Fish Physiol Biochem: Ammonia stress under high environmental ammonia induces Hsp90 in the mud eel, Monoterus cuchia (0920-1742)
1. Presented a paper on “Expression of HSP 70 under Hyper – Ammonia Stress in the Mud eel, Monopterus cuchia at NEHU on 2015
2. Presented a paper on “Expression of Multiple Glutamine Synthetase genes and their up regulation under Hyper- Ammonia stress in the mud eel, Monopterus cuchia at NEHU 2016